Grade 6th Term -1 Syllabus (2021-22)


Prose: A Grain As Big As a Hen’s Egg
Reading: Comprehension 1
Grammar: Nouns
Poetry: The Lame Boy’s Lament
Writing: Message Writing
Grammar: Pronouns
Class Test 1
Grammar: Adjectives
SR: Monday Morning
Reading: Comprehension 2
Grammar: Determiners
Prose: A Pinch of Salt
Writing: Notice Writing
SR: Daedalus and Icarus
EA: Subject Enrichment 1 
Poetry: The Rock and The Bubble
Class Test 2
Reading: Comprehension 3
Grammar: Tenses
Prose: Spiderman of the Animal Kingdom
Writing: Diary Writing
SR: The Devil’s Trademark
Prose: Animal Language
Grammar: Adverbs
Class Test 3
Reading: Comprehension 4
Poetry: The Flower School
Grammar: Sentences
Writing: Dialogue Writing
Prose: Major Dhyan Chand
SR: Gypsies
Grammar: Subject Verb Agreement
Class Test 4
Writing: Report Writing
MA 1
Revision Question Bank 1


पाठ− साहसी कन्या
व्याकरण− भाषा, बोली, लिपि और व्याकरण
व्याकरण− वर्ण-विचार और उच्चारण
व्याकरण− वाक्य-विचार
Class Test 1
रचना– चित्र-वर्णन
व्याकरण− पर्यायवाची शब्द
लहर− घड़ी का महत्व
MA 1: Listening कोलंबस
रचना− अनुच्छेद-लेखन
कविता− उठो धरा के अमर सपूतों
व्याकरण− संधि
व्याकरण− उपसर्ग
Class Test 2
पाठ– हमारे त्योहार
व्याकरण− प्रत्यय
रचना− संवाद-लेखन
Class Test 3
EA 1: Reading चौबीस घंटे/किसके कारण?
लहर− मदद
रचना− पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक)
कविता– वर्षा की विदाई
व्याकरण− समास
व्याकरण− मुहावरे
पाठ–इब्राहिम गार्दी
Class Test 4
रचना− अपठित गद्यांश
व्याकरण− संज्ञा
रचना− कहानी-लेखन
व्याकरण− लिंग
रचना− निबंध-लेखन
रचना− पत्र-लेखन (औपचारिक)
Revision Question Bank 1


Chapter 1: Know Your Numbers
Class Test 1  
Chapter 2: Whole Numbers
Class Test 2
Chapter 3: Playing With Numbers
Class Test 3
MA 1
Chapter 10: Basic Geometrical Ideas
Class Test  4
EA 1: Subject Enrichment (Project): Basic Geometrical Ideas
Chapter 4: Integers 
Class Test 5
Chapter 5: Fractions
Revision Test 1
Class Test 6
Chapter 7: Algebra 
Class Test 7
Chapter 15: Data Handling
Class Test 8
Revision Test 2
Revision Question Bank 1

Ch. 1: Sources of Food
Ch. 2: Components of Food
Class Test 1
Ch. 3: Fibre to Fabric
Ch. 4: Grouping Materials
Class Test 2
Ch. 5: Separation of Substances 
EA 1 
Ch. 10: Motion and Measurement of Distance
Class Test 3
Ch. 7: Plants -Form and Function
Ch. 11: Light, Shadow and Reflection
Class Test 4
MA 1 
Revision Question Bank 1

Social Science
History: Ch. 1: Reconstructing History
History: Ch. 2: The Early Humans
Hist. Class Test 1 (Ch. 1 and Ch. 2)
Civics: Ch. 13: History - India – a Kaleidoscope of Cultures
History: Ch. 3: Indus Valley Civilization
MA 1
Hist. and Civ. Class Test 2 (Ch. 13 and Ch. 3)
Civics: Ch. 14: Deciphering the Stereotypical Society
History: Ch. 4: The Vedic Age
Hist. and Civ. Class Test 3 (Ch. 14 and Ch. 4)
Civics: Ch. 15: The Government and its Formation
History: Ch. 5: From Janas to Mahajanapadas
Hist. and Civ. Class Test 4 (Ch. 15 and Ch. 5)
History: Ch. 6: Villages and Towns in Ancient India
Civics: Ch. 16: Democracy and its Features
Hist. and Civ. Class Test 5 (Ch. 6 and Ch. 16)
Revision Question Bank 1
Ch. 1: Structure of our Solar System
EA 1
Ch. 2: Globe - Latitudes and Longitudes
Geog. Class Test 1 (Ch.1 and Ch 2)
Ch. 3: Mapping a Location
Ch. 4: Motions of the Earth 
Ch. 5:  Major Domains of the Earth  
Geog. Class Test 2 (Ch. 3, Ch. 4 and  Ch. 5)
Revision Question Bank 1

Ch 1: Evolution of Computers
Ch. 2: Introduction to OpenOffice 4 Calc
Class Test 1
IA: Practical 1
Ch. 4: Introduction to HTML
Ch. 5: OpenShot Video Editor
Class Test 2
IA: Practical 2
IA: Project 1

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