Math ch-7 Algebra

Date- 30/7/20
Taken screening test;
1) 12 + 4 =16
2) 19 - 8 = 11
3) 7 X 6 = 42
4) 64 / 4 = 16
5) 736 + 54 = 790

Date- 31/7/20
Topic taught- Done explanation to form algebraic expressions with the help of patterns.
Watch video link 1 to 3 given in SSD on between us portal.
Complete Ex 7.1 in the textbook.

Date- 4/8/20
Topic taught- Done explanation of use of Variables.
Watch video link 4 to 6 given in SSD on between us portal.
Complete Ex 7.2 in the textbook.
Date- 5/8/20
Topic taught- Done explanation of Variables, term,  coefficient, constant and power of variables.
Watch video link 7 to 9 given in SSD on between us portal.
Complete Ex 7.3 Q 1,3,4 in the textbook and Q 2 in notebook.

Date- 6/8/20
Topic taught- Done explanation of Like and Unlike terms.
Watch video link 10 to 11 given in SSD on between us portal.
Complete Ex 7. 4 Q 2, 4, 5 in the textbook and Q 1 and 3 in notebook.
Date- 7/8/20
Topic taught- Done revision of all the topics.
Complete workbook Exercise.

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