Geo Chap-1 Structure of Solar System keypoints

Ø Heavenly bodies or Celestial bodies-The Sun, The Moon, The Stars.
Ø includes stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids and comets.
Ø Universe was formed due to a cosmic explosion The BIG BANG, led to the formation of giant clouds of gases and dust particles called nebulae.
Ø Within each nebulae, particles or atoms collided with one another at tremendous speed.
Ø Generation of enormous heat and led to formation of glowing bodies known as

Ø self luminous celestial bodies that emits light and heat.
Ø When these stars are found in a very large group or cluster, they form GALAXIES.
Ø Billions of stars with gas and dust and held together by gravitational attraction.
Ø Universe is made up of infinite galaxies and still expanding because every moment new stars are being born.
Ø Our solar system is a part of galaxy called MILKYWAY or AKASHGANGA.
Ø Astronomers have joined stars with imaginery lines giving them a definite shape.
Ø Group of stars forming recognisable patterns are called CONSTELLATIONS.
Ø Two easily recognisable constellations-URSA MAJOR (GREAT BEAR) and ORION (HUNTER).
Ø THE NORTH STAR indicates the north direction. Also known as POLE STAR .Remains in same position in the sky.
The Solar System
Ø     Family of Sun is called Solar System.
Ø    Word Solar is derived from latin word 'Sol' means Sun.
Ø    4.6 billion yrs old.
Ø    Our solar system consists of one sun, planets, satellites & some celestial bodies known as asteroids, meteoroids, comets.
Ø Head of Solar system.
Ø Huge ball of fire.
Ø Made up of hot gases mainly helium & hydrogen.
Ø About 150 km away from earth.
Ø Diameter-109 times and mass 3,33,000 times of earth.
Ø Light reaches from sun to earth in 8 min 20 secs.
Ø Because of gravitational pull Sun holds earth and other planets in their fix orbit.
Ø Main source of heat and light for all life forms.
The Planets
Ø Derived from Greek word 'planetia' means wanderer.
Ø Non luminuous, don't produce light of their own but reflects sun's light.
Ø Rotation- Planet spins on its own axis.
Ø Revolution-One complete movement of planet around the sun in its fixed orbit.
Ø Inner planets- Mercury,Venus,Earth & Mars.
Ø Outer planets- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Criteria for planets-
Ø     Celestial body orbits around the Sun.
Ø     Have sufficient mass that is its own gravity pulls  it into a roughly spherical shape.
Ø     cleared neighbourhood around its orbit. Became gravitationally dominant. No other bodies of comparable size other than its own satellites or those under its gravitational influence.

The Earth- A unique planet
Ø   3rd nearest planet of solar system.
Ø   Shape of earth is nor perfect sphere.
Ø   Flattened from poles and bulge in middle-Geoid shape.
Ø   2/3rd of earth is covered with water. So it is called 'Blue Planet'.
Ø   Water is available in 3 states- solid, liquid and gas.
Favourable conditions
Ø Earth is optimum distance from Sun. Neither too hot nor too cold.
Ø surrounded by blanket /cover of air composed of life supporting gases such as oxygen, Co2, nitrogen etc.
Ø Ozone layer present in atmosphere protects from harmful ultra violet radiations.
Ø Presence of adequate amount of water favours the evolution of life.
Ø Suitable seasons and weather conditions also supports existence of life.
Ø A natural satellite revolves around a planet.
Ø Earth has only one natural satellite.
Ø Moon's diam. is earth's 1/4
Ø Distance -3,84,400 km away.
Ø Completes one revolution in 27 days and 8 hrs.
Ø Time taken of rotation and revolution is same, thats why we see only one side of moon from earth.
Ø  Moon is non luminous . Moonlight is the light of Sun reflected by moon.
Phases of Moon
Ø When the moon appears to be growing,  
 it is called the waxing period; and when its shape appears to be reducing, it is called the waning period.
Ø The first visible phase of the moon is the crescent phase.
Ø Then, the moon grows till half of it is visible and this is called the first quarter phase.
Ø The day when the moon looks like a full disc in the sky, it is the full moon day or Purnima.
Ø In between the first quarter and the full moon phase, lies the gibbous phase (waxing).
Ø From then onwards, the moon starts disappearing slowly every day and after 15 days, it disappears completely.
Ø Before disappearing completely, the moon passes through the gibbous phase (waning) and reaches the last quarter phase and the crescent (waning) phase.
Ø When the side of the moon that we can see from the earth does not receive sunlight, we cannot see the moon. This day is known as the new moon day or Amavasya.

Ø The Sun, a luminous body casts a   
      shadow  of opaque body in its path of      
Ø Formation of shadow is known as
Ø Two types of eclipses- Lunar eclipse
      and Solar Eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse
Ø Moon, Earth and Sun comes in a 
      straight line.
Ø When Earth in between Sun and  
      Moon, the shadow of earth falls on  
     moon is Lunar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse
Ø Sun, Moon and Earth comes in a
      straight line .
Ø Moon in between Earth and Sun, the
     shadow of moon falls on a portion of
     Earth's surface is Solar Eclipse.

Ø Also known as Planetoids because scientists believe that these are parts of planets which exploded millions of years ago.
Ø These are celestial bodies which revolve around the Sun between orbit of Mars and Jupiter.

Ø Pieces of rocks moving with high speed around the Sun.
Ø On entering earth's atmosphere, they produce heat and begin to glow and are known as Meteors or Shooting stars.
Ø Most meteors burnt out, but some do not completely & fall on earth's surface causing huge dents or craters. Rocks fragments are called Meteorites.
Ø Ex- Arizona USA

Ø Huge lumps made of snow and rocky dust.
Ø When reached near the Sun, heat up and start glowing and developing long tail.
Ø Comets follow its own elliptical orbit around the Sun.
Ø Comets are Periodical and Non periodical.
Ø Most famous comet-Halley's Comet, every 76 yrs. Last seen in 1986.

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