PODAR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, VADODARA SCIENCE CH- LIGHT SHADOWS AND REFLECTION QUESTION BANK 1. 1.1. Define luminous body. 2. 2. What are luminous and non-luminous objects? 3. 3. Define opaque objects with example. 4. 4. What are translucent objects? 5. 5. What are transparent objects? 6. 6. Classify the following into transparent, opaque and translucent objects: Wax, spectacles, a heap of salt, a stone, dense smoke, wood, skin, balloon, rubber, membrane of a tabla, blood and milk. 7. 7. Close your eyes while looking towards bright sunshine. Now, cover the eyes with your palm still keeping them closed. Do you notice any difference? On the basis of this experience, state whether your eyelids are transparent, translucent or opaque. 8. 8. Sometimes, you are able to see the Sun or the Moon behind the cloud...